Basic Facts

Add: Mixed (0-9), 100 facts

Add: Fractions

Subtract: Differences of 1

Subtract: Differences of 2

Subject: Regrouping / Borrowing

Subtract: Mixed (0-9), 100 facts

Subtract: Fractions

Multiply: By 10

Multiply: By 5

Multiply: By 1

Multiply: By 2

Multiply: By 3

Multiply: By 4

Multiply: By 6

Multiply: By 7

Multiply: By 8

Multiply: By 9

Multiply: With Doubles

Multiply: Mixed (0-10)

Multiply: Mixed (0-10), 100 facts

Divide: By 10

Divide: By 5

Divide: By 1

Divide: By 2

Divide: By 3

Divide: By 4

Divide: By 6

Divide: By 7

Divide: By 8

Divide: By 9

Divide: Mixed (0-10)

Divide: Mixed (0-10), 100 facts


Count by 1 from 2 to 5

Count by 1 from 2 to 10

Count by 1 from 2 to 15

Count by 2 from 4 to 10

Count by 2 from 4 to 20

Count by 3 from 6 to 15

Count by 3 from 6 to 30

Count by 4 from 8 to 20

Count by 4 from 8 to 40

Count by 2 and 4, from 4 to 20

Count by 5 from 10 to 25

Count by 5 from 10 to 50

Count by 6 from 12 to 30

Count by 6 from 12 to 60

Count by 3 and 6, from 6 to 30

Count by 7 from 14 to 35

Count by 7 from 14 to 70

Count by 8 from 16 to 40

Count by 8 from 16 to 80

Count by 4 and 8, from 8 to 40

Count by 9 from 18 to 45

Count by 9 from 18 to 90

Count by 10 from 20 to 50

Count by 10 from 20 to 100

Count by 5 and 10, from 10 to 50


Subtract: Differences of 1

Subtract: Differences of 2

Subtract: Regrouping / Borrowing

Multiply: By 10

Multiply: By 5

Multiply: By 1

Multiply: By 2

Multiply: By 3

Multiply: By 4

Multiply: By 6

Multiply: By 7

Multiply: By 8

Multiply: By 9

Multiply: With Doubles

Multiply: Mixed (0-10)

Divide: By 10

Divide: By 5

Divide: By 1

Divide: By 2

Divide: By 3

Divide: By 4

Divide: By 6

Divide: By 7

Divide: By 8

Divide: By 9

Divide: Mixed (0-10)



Penny and Nickel

Penny and Dime

Penny and Quarter

Penny, Nickel, and Dime

Penny, Nickel, and Quarter

Penny, Nickel, Dime, and Quarter


Nickel and Dime

Nickel and Quarter

Nickel, Dime, and Quarter


Dime and Quarter


Half Dollar

Half Dollar and Quarter

Half Dollar and Dime

Half Dollar and Nickel

Half Dollar and Penny

Half Dollar, Quarter, and Dime

Half Dollar, Quarter, and Nickel

Half Dollar, Quarter, and Penny

Multiplication Tables

All facts (5x5)

All facts (10x10)

All facts (12x12)

Facts for 2

Facts for 3

Facts for 4

Facts for 5

Facts for 6

Facts for 7

Facts for 8

Facts for 9

Facts for 10

Telling Time


Hour and half hour

Hour and quarter hour

Hour and 5 minute

Hour and 1 minute

Half Hour

Half hour and quarter hour

Half hour and 5 minute

Half hour and 1 minute

Quarter hour

Quarter hour and 5 minute

Quarter hour and 1 minute

5 minute

5 minute and 1 minute

1 minute

Word Problems

Set of 5

Set of 8

Set of 10

Set of 12

Set of 15