Basic Facts

Greater/Less: Numbers 0 to 5

Greater/Less: Numbers 1 to 5

Greater/Less: Numbers 0 to 9

Greater/Less: Numbers 1 to 9

Add: With 1 (to 5)

Add: With 1 (to 10)

Add: 0 to 5 (to 5)

Add: 1 to 5 (to 5)

Add: 0 to 5 (to 10)

Add: 1 to 5 (to 10)

Subtract: With 1 (from 5)

Subtract: With 1 (from 10)

Subtract: 0 to 5 (from 5)

Subtract: 1 to 5 (from 5)

Subtract: 0 to 5 (from 10)

Subtract: 1 to 5 (from 10)


Count by 1 from 2 to 5

Count by 1 from 2 to 10

Count by 10 from 20 to 50

Count by 10 from 20 to 100


Add: With 1 (to 5)

Add: With 1 (to 10)

Add: 0 to 5 (to 5)

Add: 1 to 5 (to 5)

Add: 0 to 5 (to 10)

Add: 1 to 5 (to 10)

Subtract: With 1 (from 5)

Subtract: With 1 (from 10)

Subtract: 0 to 5 (from 5)

Subtract: 1 to 5 (from 5)

Subtract: 0 to 5 (from 10)

Subtract: 1 to 5 (from 10)



Penny and Nickel

Penny and Dime

Penny, Nickel, and Dime


Nickel and Dime


Telling Time


Hour and half hour

Half Hour